Wednesday, June 1, 2011

video 2

here is my second video, my first video and interview are in my previous 2 posts

Video 1

This was an urban session that me and some friends did a while ago, (me, erik, and tyler) tyler did some of the recording and i captured the video from his facebook. he did the recording with the fish eye lens, i did all the rest of the recording, and he edited the song in, but the capture failed to record it on 3 seperate occasions so it will go without audio.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Interview With Tiffany.

When did you start snowboarding and what has it turned into for you?
I started 9 years ago when I was 10. Boarding has turned into my passion, I absolutely love snowboarding and that Is why I have taken up a job as a snowboard instructor at trollhaugen in Wisconsin. I love to share my passion with the young kids, and in some cases older people helping them out whenever I can, and teaching them all I can to make them successful on the slopes there first time off the bunny hill.

How long have you been a snowboard instructor at Trollhaugen, have you worked elsewhere?
I have been an instructor for 5 years and I love every minute of it, the reason I was able to start so early was basically because my dad's friend who was an expert instructor there took me in as an apprentice, and I couldn't work late but I was payed and I really enjoyed it. I still work there and now I'm the one who trains the new instructors, it wasn't as in depth because a lot of these new guys have experience as it is. I Didn't work for one season though, I was 17 and i shattered my ankle one day in the terrain park, I'm not quite sure what happened because I had a second degree concussion, it was my first one and i have absolutely no idea what had happened.

What kinds of boards do you own, and what is your style?
I have 8 snowboards, I have 2 Lib-tech boards, the banana Magic, and the lib tech skate banana, The Burton Supermodel, a Rossingnal board, two Rome boards and a Forum board, A Gnu board, as well as 2 K2 boards. They aren't all new some of them are 3-4 years old and I no longer ride them i just like to keep them. My ride style? well that's easy I ride Goofy just like how I skateboard in the summertime ha ha.

Does skateboarding have any affect on how well you do when your shredding?
Yeah, to be honest it has a big affect, mostly on my heels because when I'm doin' somethin' on the streets it strengthens my feet from all the hard landings whether it be landing on the board washing out pr whatever. Than that makes the big air of snowboarding and the impact of landing much easier to handle.

What places have you gone snowboarding or have you stayed within Minnesota, and Wisconsin for all the years that you've been 'boarding?
I have actually gone to a bunch of places, I've been to British Columbia (where the last winter Olympics was held) I've been to Utah's Park City, as well as Colorado's Aspen and did some back country boarding while I was in Colorado which was one of the most fun I have ever had. :) I plan on going back out there, I enjoyed all the places immensely as I had a great time. Now that I'm out of high School I plan on going a lot more.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Qparks tourfinal, Video.

It wouldnt let me upload the video, so there is the link if you want to check it out.
Personally I really liked it and I think you all should check it out if you are interested!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

QParks Tour Big Finals at Dachstein Glacier!

Qparks is an awesome opportunity to get get some contest experience and tro shred with your buddies, its sick because you get to shred in some of the best parks in the Alps! Unfortunately it's the finals that are coming up after the 10 previous contests; its being help in the Horsefeathers Superpark Dachstein! The prize is 10,000 Euro's; I have no idea what that translates to American dollars, sorry!

It was a good idea, the basis of it was that any rider who could participate was able to participate there were no underlying stipulations or anything of the sort. It would be help across the 10 best parks in Europe. The finals were on may 7th-8th and i'm not sure who took the contest at this very time, but im sure it was an awesome event. persoanlly I would have loved to of been a part of this event becuase it looks sick as hell!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day and Age!

Here is another teaser from the movie "Day and Age" and personally I think it is going to be a sick movie because this shows some of what's good and i'm hopin' the movie is even better than this!

Neff, East Vs. West Contest!

Neff has been holding a competition for the past 7 weeks and it is between store shops in the east and the west. Transworld snowboard releases 2 videoes per week and you can vote on whichever video edit you think is better! The winner wins $5,000 cash as well as $2,000 in Neff gear.

That is the link to the video's that I have thought were the sickest so far and right now I think the guys from Martini board shop in Ohio is killin it in week 2!