Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Some Sick Recon Transcend Goggles!

Honestly these have got to be the most insane goggles that i've ever heard of. I mean these have a built in display that tells you all sorts of things, like altitude, it has GPS speed your traveling air tempature and many more. It allows you to track your runs on google maps after you get home or to your hotel through a USB port it uses also as a charger. It also has longitude and laditude; you can change the display with the three buttons on the right side by pressing up to scroll up, or down to scroll down, and pressing the center button to select which display you want to look at. These are defiantely some sick gogglesb that'll allow you to do some recon on the hills, but they with a price tag at $400-$500.


  1. okay i would love having these goggles! can you change things while going down the hill or only when you get back to use the USB port?

  2. Yeah! You can change whatever your looking at anywhere with the 3 buttons, you just have to pick what you want on the display and select it.

  3. cool. I would love those goggles but i don't snowboard. I did once and haha not doing it again. Its wayy more scary than skiing.

  4. wow this is crazy i would love to try these out its crazy the things we can come out with i would like to see how clear it would look
